This is pcx2bsv version 2.0. It will take VGA or MCGA PCX files and convert them to BSAVE (or BLOAD) format for fast loading into any BASIC language program including QBasic, BASIC, QuickBasic 4.5, Visual Basic and GWBasic. Basically, (no pun intended) any language that uses BLOAD to import graphic images. Version 2.0 will handle 16 color images up to 640 X 480 pixels (VGA) or 256 color images up to 320 X 200 (MCGA). Yes, there are plenty of code examples that demonstrate how to unpack a PCX image directly into a BASIC program, but every one I've ever seen is impractically slow. This program gives the Basic programer the capability to create bit-mapped graphic images on any standard paint program (I haven't seen one yet that doesn't support PCX) and introduce professional grade graphic images into their programs. Odd sized images are also supported as long as they don't exceed the maximum size for their format. Another nice feature is the fact that after processing an image you have the option of letting the program create a sample source code file demonstrating the correct way to load the very image you just created into a BASIC language program. There's no guesswork to it. The PLOAD.COM utility is enclosed with this package so that the palette information for each image can be correctly loaded into the BASIC program. There are ways to directly load the palette into BASIC language programs and I'll be glad to impart this wisdom to my paying customers. Complete online help is available by invoking PCX2BSV without any arguments, I believe the program to be relatively self-explanatory. I hope you enjoy this program, this is a utility that I wish someone else had written back when I was programming in QB 4.5. I put this product on the market with all the bells on whistles, to honest with you there is not much more that I have to offer for registered users. Now, be honest with me and if you find this product useful send me $5.00. Thank you for your attention. Leonard Gragson ARF Enterprises 1405 Sheridan Bridge Lane Olathe, Kansas 66062 (931) 764-9091 PRODIGY: YBMY91A CompuServe: 73131,1034 InterNet: